You can have yours, too.

I recently went and watched a CrossFit competition here in Taipei. My brilliant and amazing trainer Olivia Park competed. Watching it I was reminded of  how much I love being around people reaching for their best. Crushing goals and cheering each other on—it’s my favorite thing to be a part of and it feels like we don’t get a lot of opportunity to do that, especially moms. 

For some of us in “caretaker” stages of life, setting big personal goals feels like such a stretch. It feels like one more to do on an already lengthy to- do list. It seems out of reach or impossible. We stand in support and encouragement of our kids’ lives in a hundred ways. And that is awesome, but where is the time for ourselves?

Why is this important to me? I am all about maximizing your joy and happiness and I believe that challenging yourself is a key part of that. I have talked to so many women who crave more–again, especially moms.  They love their lives as parents but also recognize that the thrill they got from work or school is greatly missed. Let’s be honest. We can fall into a trap where we aren’t really challenged in areas where our gifts and strengths are.

Why does this matter? Challenges and accomplishing specific goals are good for your brain.  Plus the act of challenging ourselves builds confidence.  We can hack our dopamine by setting goals, breaking them into small steps, giving ourselves a little dopamine high five with each step we accomplish. One of the happiness hormones for the win.   Want more confidence?  Set up some goals and pursue the heck out of them!

Does this feel exhausting?  Are you like…come ON, Tracy, I don’t have time. I call BS, but I get it. I swear to you…

You can do this.  Think of a small goal that you’d like to accomplish. Something that really speaks to you. Commit to moving 3 days a week for 20 minutes. New to working out? Make it two days of 15 minutes then increase. Or commit to gratitude journaling 3 days a week for 5 minutes. Or commit to a mediation routine, or more water, or 5 servings of vegetables a day, or to running 10 minutes, or to work on your business 1 extra hour a day. Or set up a new friend date once a week. Plan to redo your closet, or bedroom, or start painting again. Whatever! Just take some time to search yourself for what you have been craving. And get going from start to finish. The “smart” goal acronym is well-known now.  Take your desires and break it into a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goal.

Ready to activate some next level fun? Start some bold, brave dreaming and scheming. Create a plan to reach for a BIG goal.

Step into your power to do the thing you want to do. We do NOT have to wait, we only have to start.  With some dreaming+planning you can get what you want and feel the glow of hitting the mark you set for yourself. 

Tonight I walked into the kitchen and asked my husband …. “see those handstand pushups they did today ? I wonder if I can do that.”  Then I flipped upside down much to the concern of Sadie the dog and did three. Maybe my goal will be 5 by the end of December. Or maybe I will commit to being able to run the loop of stairs near my house. I’ll get back to you.

Join me in 2018  — let’s take steps towards our small goals and our BIG bold dreams. You help everyone else reach theirs, you can have yours, too.

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